
Qualstan One Suite:
Qualstan One Suite is one stop solution for SAP implmentations to automate the QA process and proivide better Governance and Compliance for organizations.Qualstan One is easy to use, requires no extra hardware, is an end-to-end process text automation that reduces QA cost by ocer 70%.
Key Features:
- Qualstan One Suite is built on SAP.
- No additional hardware required as the tool is based in SAP and was created for SAP.
- Testing can be fully automated and executed in the background.
- Significant time and cost saving while increasing accuracy - Best ROI for any tool in SAP.
- Risk mitigation tool for change control.
- Easily adaptable by client QA team who has experience in SAP.
- End to End process test automation.
Business Benefits:
- Reliability and Quality of Testing.
- Reduce QA costs by upto 70%
- Better governance and compliance
- Audit Check